I love a good story. And this is a fun one! Unfortunately, it started out with heartache when we lost our little Lucky Star; she was our sweet cocka-poo bichon of 15 years. Losing her was devastating for all of us.

I’m a big believer of God giving us a sign whenever we need it most, to give us that nudge that everything is going to be ok. It was Black Friday, and tradition for Taegan and I to go shopping. This year, everything felt different and was different. We managed to enjoy a little retail therapy, but as we were walking out to the car to head home, reality was settling in that our sweet Lucky Star wouldn’t be there to greet us at the door and carry on the tradition of snuggling on the couch while we continued our retail therapy on-line.

As we walked out to a parking garage we had never parked in before… I looked up and at the end of the row, near our car was a SUV with the license plate LKYSTAR! I literally caught my breath and stopped in my tracks. Of all the places we could have parked that day, of all the places they could have parked that day, and the perfect timing for us to see it. It was definitely a sign.

Fast forward 6 months, Taegan was walking past a store in Scottsdale and saw a pop-up shop happening with Lucky Star Jewels!!! No joke!!

A few days after that…. Taegan and I went to the Lucky Star Jewels Showroom to pick up a custom piece they had made for her and saw the SUV with the same LKYSTAR license plate sitting out front. Turns out the owner of this SUV with LKYSTAR plates was also the founder of Lucky Star Jewels! What a crazy small world we live in!

Since then, Lucky Star Jewels has become one of our local Scottsdale faves! We love their timeless style and that together we can create meaningful custom pieces that fit the unique personality and experiences of the boutiques we work with. You can say; we thank our Lucky Stars for fun partners like Lucky Star Jewels!

“Life is a story…. what does yours say?” -unknown


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